The Daily Dose Wellness proprietary wellness process provides affordable, non-invasive, pain free modalities that will increase the energy, health and natural healing power of the body. Our combination method uses some of the most advanced Bio-Hacking Medical technology ever created which enables clients to heal up to 50% faster, activates the body's own healing processes and increases circulation throughout the body, specifically in the micro-vessels that feed our tissues and cells thus promoting a strong foundation of health on a cellular level.
We use two FDA Class II medical devices that after 20+ years of use have no known adverse side-effects.
SCENAR (Self Controlled Energo Neuro Adaptive Regulator) is a safe, painless, non-invasive, non-toxic FDA Class II medical device which can be applied directly to the areas of pain, discomfort or injury and is highly effective in the reduction and elimination of most types of pain. READ MORE
BEMER® Vascular Wellness is an FDA Class II medical device that transmits a special patented signal in the body via an electromagnetic field for the improvement of circulation in the smallest blood vessels or capillaries, which is called microcirculation. BEMER supports the body‘s natural healing processes, improves the blood flow, which is the body‘s universal means of transporting oxygen, nutrients, defense cells etc., to better nourish our body. READ MORE
NEUROMUSCULAR THERAPY- Neuromuscular work is specifically formulated in order to be therapeutic and to target pain and restore mobility. Each session is designed specifically to the needs of the client. Though our aim is to aid your wellness pain relief we ensure that every session will be as relaxing as possible and will provide a calm, therapeutic environment.